Saturday, August 3, 2013


people come and people go..
time flies and time drift away..
but love will always be there.

when it comes to heart, trust me, no one has the key.

ever had enough of picking up the pieces?
ever had enough of fixing things in?

love kills. love hurt. but love, its amazing.

no one would understand ur love story. no one.
even if they hear u. even if they walk u thru.

cz love is the story of two. cz love is 'to be with you'.

what if love end? what if we put a stop?
what happen to the chain? heart drop.

well, love drive u up. well, love also gear u down.
dont be afraid of looking at the ground.
cz love is not always in the air.
cz love is everywhere. everywhere.

ever silent urself? talking to the heart. playing words in ur mind.
ever feel deep? crying all nights. hoping it would never end.

love is always love. love will always be love.

cz when u spent me ur time. i'll spent u my world.

Friday, February 15, 2013


We could cry together,
We would build the laughter,
Only if you want,
I can be the one.

But what if things change?
When love got stained?
Would you still stand?
Cz sometimes, i believe you can.

But what if the sparks are gone?
How do we even found them?
Amazing. Surprising. What a magic love we’re on?
Cz we were once alive,
But sometimes, i could see you fly.

Would you turn?
Would you turn to catch my tears?
Would you land and hold my fears?

What was the starting point?
Cz we’re distanced now.

Little heart, don’t pay me a pound.
Little heart, heal my wound.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bingkisan 3 dalam 1.

Seperti mana rumput perlukan padangnya,
Agar ia bisa hidup dan bernyawa,
Begitulah kasih manusia,
Tiangnya pada keluarga.

Cinta tak boleh dipaksa.
Cinta juga bukan bererti untuk memiliki.
Cinta itu indah jika cinta itu di hargai.

Cinta itu sakit.
Sakit dek sekeping hati yang ikhlas mencintai.
Cinta itu juga perit.
Perit dek jiwa yang setia menanti.
Kerana cinta yang sakit itu, kasih manusia terlalu dalam maknanya.
Cinta dan bahagia pasti bersatu jika kasih manusia terus bernyawa. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thing we called Choice

I choose bored than dull,
I choose bored than empty,
For some good reason,
I choose boredom.
I choose darkness than ‘glowing’ lights,
I choose darkness than ‘new’ lights,
For some old theory,
I choose darkness.
Sometimes, boredom saved the unseen tears.
Sometimes, darkness relieved the bottom fears,
Sometimes, i choose the minus than the plus.

Cause for some strong facts, what u choose are ur survival skills. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

doa sang perintih

Ya Allah,
Hariku, adalah hari-Mu,
Segala yang kau kurnia,
Aku bersyukur atas segalanya.
Hari ini,
Aku datang pada-Mu,
Membawa diriku sekerdil zarah,
Membawa hatiku yang resah,
Membawa jiwaku yang gelisah.
Aku menadah,
Aku meminta,
Beriku petunjuk-Mu,
Lindungiku dengan kasih-Mu,
Secebis harga yang bisa ku tawar,
Buat aku berteduh di bawah yang benar.
Penat lelahku,
Suka dukaku,
Aku tatapkan pada-Mu,
Engkau Maha Mengetahui,
Engkau Maha Mendengar,
Engkau Maha Mengasihi,
Engkaulah pemilik hati.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Tak semua boleh di mengertikan,
Dan tak semua boleh diertikan.

Masa akan tetap berlalu,
Hidup harus punya penentu.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


hari ku semakin lain jadinya,

berubah, tak tentu hala...

untuk kesekian kalinya...
luka lama berdiri kembali,
tapi macam mana...?

sumpah aku tak faham,
sumpah aku tak mengerti,
walau yg sakit hatiku sendiri..

Ya Allah..
rasa di hatiku,
Kau yang tahu,
tak mampu lagi untuk aku merungkai,

aku tak mampu Ya Allah..
sungguh aku tak kuat..

berikan ku secebis rasa...

kau lebih mengerti resah di hati ini..
dan kepadaMu, aku damba kasih yang suci.