Saturday, June 27, 2009


Ya Allah Ya tuhanku..
hambamu merindukan..
rahmat kasih sayang-Mu..
dan jua keredhaan-Mu..
meskipun ku ulangi..
dosa noda yang menjanjikan..
azab neraka..
namun ku sedari..
keampunan -Mu tidak bertepi..
ku akui diri ini hamba yang mungkir pada janji-janji..
jadikanlah taubat ini yang sejati..
pada-Mu ilahi..
ya Allah..
ampunkanlah dosa2 ku..
Ya Allah..
redha kan lah kehidupanku..
ya Allah..
berikanlah kekuatan dan ketabahan yang pernah Kau berikan padaku..
agar aku sentiasa berada pada jalan -Mu ..

Saturday, June 20, 2009


The only person who can make women cries..
day and night..
seeking for the true love..
is him.

The only person who can make women sigh..
throughout all the days..
hoping for the best..
is him.

The only person who can grab everything..
but impossible to give something..
to the seekers..
is him.

The only person who can create anything..
but impossible to explain something..
even for a single question..
makes the people wonder why..
is him.

The only person who have everything..
but fail to give something..
is also him.

The person who works each and every day..
trying to performing his best..
for the sake of life or maybe lifessss..
is also him.

Its undescribable..its unpredictable..
the actions n all the scenes..
but i'll constantly pray..
to the Almighty..
may u have the wonderful thinking..
to see the truth..
to observe the circles..
to determine the way or maybe ways..
to strive for the perfection..
to run through the history or maybe histories..
to walk through the right ones..
to hold the faith..
and to stand with the unconditional love..
for us..for us..and only us..
i'll pray for the day..
will alwiz..n alwiz..

*happy father's day*

Friday, June 19, 2009


Its alwiz been UR FAULT..yes YOU!! you begin the game n u drag us all there.You drag us to go through the risk of urs..which we never ask for it..WE NEVER ASK FOR IT!!!! I DONT KNOW FOR WHAT REASON THAT U HAVE TO PICK A LIFE LIKE THIS..i totally dont mind BUT YOU FORCE US TO INVOLVE TOO..WTH????? n for the first time u did ur first abusement n i really thanked for now people would say that i'm grateful enough since all this while i was not(mengikut kata2 mereka).So thank you..millions of thank you!! go ahead wit what u're doin but for all u know i'm praying hard for the best of us.i pray that anda akan dijumpakan ke jalan yang benar..come back..for her n the others...